Mental health consideration during covid pandemic

Mental Health considerations during COVID_19 Pandemic Kuruva During these stressful times, it’s the role of psychiatric nurses to take care of the mental health of individuals, communities and also fellow nursing personnel. I feel that psychological first aid is really the most important aspect to be given consideration. It has been already stressed byContinue reading “Mental health consideration during covid pandemic”

Sleep  Positive outlook may mean better sleep In the journals Published: October, 2017 Image: © gpointstudio/Thinkstock Trouble sleeping? You may need to examine your outlook on life. A study published online July 10, 2017, by Sleep Science and Practice found that people who felt they had more meaning and purpose in their life had fewer sleep disturbancesContinue reading “Sleep”

WORLD HEALTH DAY-2017- DEPRESSION, LET’S TALK   What is depression? Depression is an illness characterized by persistent sadness and a loss of interest in activities that you normally enjoy, accompanied by an inability to carry out daily activities, for at least two weeks. In addition, people with depression normally have several of the following: a loss of energy; a changeContinue reading “WORLD HEALTH DAY-2017- DEPRESSION, LET’S TALK”


  Memory loss- forgets assignments, names, telephone numbers etc., Difficulty performing familiar tasks- Eg: difficulty in preparing a meal, may forget how to play a game Problems with language: may forget simple words. May describe an item by what it’s used for rather than by its name. Disorientation of time, place: may become lost onContinue reading “10 WARNING SIGS OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE’”


Mental illness caused by supernatural power and is the result of curse or possession by evil spirit mentally ill people show bizzare behavior mentally ill people are dangerous mental illness is something to be ashamed mental illness is not curable mental illness is contagious mental illness is hereditary marriage can cure mental illness mental hospitalsContinue reading “MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT MENTAL ILLNESS”


Delirium is characterized by an acute onset of mental status changes that develop over a short period of time, usually hours to days. It may be combined with poor attention and disorganized thinking, loss of consciousness. Benzodiazepines may cause or worsen delirium.  Haloperidol is the drug of choice to treat delirium in ICU patient.  DeliriumContinue reading “Delirium”


Phobias –          Ashenophobia- fear of fainting/weakness –          Astraphobia- fear of thunder/lightening –          Astrapophobia- fear of thunder/lightening –          Astrophobia- fear of stars and celestial space –          Asymmetriphobia-fear of asymmetrical things –          Ataxiphobia- fear of ataxia( muscular incoordination) –          Ataxophobia- fear of disorder/untidiness –          Atelophobia- fear of imperfection –          Athazagoraphobia- fear of being forgotten/ ignored/ forgetting –         Continue reading “Phobias”


Applied behavioral analysis is an intensive treatment for autism spectrum disorders that is based on the principles of operant conditioning . it is the most successful treatment for autism spectrum disorders A biological treatment for Autism Specturm Disorders has not been identified, but oxytocin may prove helpful. Using SSRIs such as Prozac to treat depressiveContinue reading “Remember”

Goals of Alcoholism Treatment

1. Maintain complete abstinence from alcohol and other substances 2. Manage acute and chronic medical conditions, including alcohol withdrawal 3. Treat psychiatric conditions as needed 4. Increase motivation for recovery 5. Improve coping strategies and relapse prevention skills 6. Resolve problems with occupational functioning, family relationships, marital situations and living arrangements as appropriate 7. FacilitateContinue reading “Goals of Alcoholism Treatment”

Treatment of Psychological Disorders

Medications such as ritalin can be quite effective in treating children with ADHD. However, side effects ( such as sleep problems, reduced appetitie and body twitches) are associated with the use of this type of medication. Recent research suggests that, in the long term, behavioral therapy may be more effective for the treatment of ADHDContinue reading “Treatment of Psychological Disorders”


A. Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode of binge eating is characterized by both of following. eating, in a discrete period of time, an amount of food that is definitely larger than what most individuals would eat in similar period of time under similar circumstances a sense of lack of control over eating duringContinue reading “BINGE EATING DISORDER”

Light Therapy

Light therapy/phototherapy involves exposing patient to an artificial light source during winter months to relieve seasonal depression. the  light source must be very bright, full spectrum light usually 2500 lux. Indications bulimia, sleep maintenance insomnia, seasonal depression Adverse effects nausea, eye irritation, headache contraindications  glaucoma, cataract and photosenistizing medications.   Reference: R.Shreevani, 3rd edition, JaypeeContinue reading “Light Therapy”

Caring for the care givers:

  Nurses are prone to stress daily because of their duties, and problems in their personal lives, and changes in biological rythms due to change in shift of duties, work place violence, exposure to the infections e.t.c., . so its important to care for themselves by following some stress reduction techniques as follows: STRESS REDUCTIONContinue reading “Caring for the care givers:”

Principles of Psychiatric Nursing

Allow client opportunity to set own pace in working with problems. Nursing interventions should center on the client as a person, not on control of the symptoms. Symptoms are important, but not as important as the person having them. Recognize your own feelings toward clients and deal with them. Go to the client who needsContinue reading “Principles of Psychiatric Nursing”


Crisis Intervention Definition of Crisis:- Any serious interruption in the steady state or equilibrium of a person, family, or group is considered a crisis. A crisis is a state of emotional turmoil. It is also considered an emotionally significant event which acts as a turning point for better or worse in a person’s life. -:Continue reading “CRISIS INTERVENTION”

Nurse Patient Relationship

1.Patient is number one 2.Nothing should be between you and patient 3.Tell the patient everything, even if he or she does not ask 4.Work on long term relationships with patients not just short term problems 5.Listening is better than talking 6.Negotiate rather than order 7.Solve the problem presented 8.Admit the patient when you make aContinue reading “Nurse Patient Relationship”

Psychiatry last minute revision for exams

SCHIZOPHRENIA: Schizophrenia is a thought disorder that impairs Judgement,Behavior,and the ability to interpret reality. The symptoms must be present for at least 6 months and it must affect functioning. there is equal incidence in men and women but it affects men earlier due to earlier age of onset. Urine drug screen ins important in-order to ruleContinue reading “Psychiatry last minute revision for exams”